Sunday, August 29, 2010

Goodbye Ol' Huck

Poor little Fisher found Huck Finn floating in the aquarium Friday. I'm afraid I may have been responsible :(  I tried adding him to the big aquarium earlier in the week. I was tired of looking at a dirty fish bowl day after day. I changed his water often but it would start to look dirty after a day or two. I thought he might prefer the nice clean tank. He seemed to be adjusting. He lived a long life for a beta. He had a cataract covering one whole eye and another had started to form on the other. He was having trouble finding his food.  He was our favorite fish.

He is missed.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up! Thanks for the early Monday morning laugh!!! Good ol' Huck Finn! I will let Madison know. We will hold a moment of silence, later this afternoon, in memory of our beloved fish. ;)
